Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Deadly Treatmill?!

This is why I don't run on treadmills!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shaking My Fist at Microsoft!

I'm struggling with Access 2007.

I do not normally struggle with program upgrades, but this one is too pretty. Pretty systems don't isn't possible.

Is it?

This is frustrating me...I really just want to get my work done.

I'm sure I'll learn to love it and be thankful that it was upgraded...but for now I'm not having any fun. I just want my ugly old Access back. I'm sure this version is easier to use and makes things faster...

Talk about not being able to get over it huh?

Get Over It?!

What if I don’t want to get over something? Maybe I rather just continuously stoup over a painful memory or let my emotions determine how long it takes to resolve a feeling.

Have you ever tried telling your emotions to get over it?

Ha! Try it some time. Emotions don’t use logic, and getting over something is completely logical. You can’t reason with something that uses no logic.

So as long as I’m willing to admit that I’m not ready to get over something, shouldn’t it be acceptable to other people? Who are they to say when I should be over it? They are not me, and they do not know what I’m feeling.

I like to think that if you keep your emotions locked up long enough one day they will burst out and you’ll end up hurting everyone around you and perhaps yourself…hurt past the point of salvage. So let out those feels as they come! Find ways to express your feelings that are healthy and respectful…and every now and then perhaps a little unhealthy. Sometimes letting those expressions out can be good for the soul too. (I’m not saying it’s okay to hurt people on purpose mind you.)

For the record I am perfectly okay with however long it takes for all of you to get over stuff. You take your sweet time. Just be honest about it. I’m not a mind reader over here, so I need to have that much insight.

Oh yes, and I’ll never argue about how you feel.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What Happened to My Brain?!

Sheesh, I seem to be forgetting EVERYTHING lately!

I had a file open yesterday, BC asked me to close it before I left at noon so he could update it. I didn’t do it. This morning I asked him to update it, but I had it opened. He asked me to close it. I closed it, and then I opened it right back up; for reasons unknown to me. So he had to ask me to close it again all the while laughing and calling me “Blondie”.

I asked for someone’s contact information as a reply to a message that included their contact information.

This last weekend I took $10 out of my trainer’s purse to grab a hamburger for her and stuffed the left over $5 in my pocket while rushing to find her before the next round…then proceeded to forget it was in my pocket.

I forgot to call my Step-Mom on Mother’s Day.

I opened three escalation system tickets but never sent them.

This is not like me. I normally remember things very well, but lately…

….Maybe it’s something in the water, lack of sleep, or too much sun. Anyone have a cure for forgetfulness?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Are You Actually Contributing in a Good Way?

Sometimes responses are not required when people talk. They are not always necessary to fulfill the conversation. It is okay to just listen.

If you have to ask yourself if what you are about to say will help or hinder the may be better just to not say it.

Thank you BB for posting a similar picture as I did above…I loved the site it came from…

Kevin Eikenberry is a GENIUS!!

Everyone needs to promptly click on the “New Dreams Coaching” link below and read the top entry taken from a book written by Kevin Eikenberry.

I can’t believe how much I agree with exactly what he is saying. I wish I could mass email it to everyone I know…but I took an oath long ago not to mass email people unless its work related.

People who find those around them are suspicious of them or don’t always believe them should get a lot out of this.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Do You Mean Someone Doesn't Like Me?!

I’ve managed to go nearly a month without a single post; which mind you was harder than it sounds. I started many posts, but each and every one inevitably was lost to the chaos of work and life.

I’ve thought a lot about life and where different steps take you. Can one step in this direction still lead you in that direction? It’s interesting the way our lives develop and how simple changes can result in big impact.

I looked back on the last weekend with irresolution. Was it a good weekend or a bad one? Did the steps I took this weekend put me towards the life I want now, or the life I want five years from now? Does it all really matter in the long run? It’s all a moot point until you reach five years from now and kick yourself in the ass because it really did matter.

I figured out at work that I have no idea how to work with people who don’t like me. It’s like I just stand there looking dumfounded at them wondering why. Why don’t they like me? Everyone else here likes me. I try hard to please everyone and work like a raging machine to meet my deadlines early. I mind my own business. Why don’t they like me?

Thirty minutes later they still don’t like me.

Last week we had scheduled financial cross training because of a new hire who didn’t know how to reconcile some of our financial reports with bank statements. This is very important to our job. I asked a very important question so she could hear the answer, and man who doesn’t like me bites my head off for interrupting his training, then blissfully goes on the answer the five other questions posed by other interrupters. Hmm…interesting. I might have accidentally let it get the better of me and slipped out a bad word or two under my breath. Checked out my boss with my peripheral vision, she isn’t looking up.

After the fact I asked her if there were any classes I could take outside the office for “How to work with people who hate you and want to run you over in the parking lot”.

There are none.

In the end, said man is being let go very, very soon; and I am slotted to take a two day class on how to work with difficult people. It was the best we could find.