Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Being a person with a rather vivacious character, I have to admit I’m a little tired of dealing with a certain person. I seem to being dealing with one heck of an arrogant person, whose rodomontade gets worse as the conversation goes on. In an effort to cease compunctious feelings from getting the better of me I make every effort to avoid said person…but alas it seems a lost cause.

I would like very much to disappear from 2:00 in the afternoon to 5:00.

I can wish, can’t I?

Seeing as that cannot happen I’m very meticulous to not wear my emotion on my sleeve; which I’ve been rightfully accused of during more often than not. At least I cannot be accused of spouting contumely…I certainly have learned to bite my tongue.

Hmm…I’m certain I’ve never wished for someone to get sick before, but this particular individual could use a bout of the flu that was going around.